Welcome to Commodities Development Initiative
Commodities Development InitiativeCommodities Development InitiativeCommodities Development Initiative
(Mon - Fri)

Supply Chain Development & Aggregation Services

The main goal of the Service is to:

Extend Good Agriculture & Manufacture Practices (GAP/GMP) to farmers & SMEs to increase Yield, Quantity and Quality in line with global market requirements; and provide raw material supply solutions to CDI’s clients (i.e. Processors, Manufacturers, Traders, Governments & NGOs). Rice, soyabeans, Rhodes grass, cashew, shea nuts, groundnut, cotton, sesame, cocoa, apparel, etc.

Our Approach To Achieve Supply Chain Development Goal

Blocking Farming Model

The block farm (as promoted by IDH in Nigeria) is a dedicated land under the control of CDI. The land may be contributed by the Govt., the community or leased by CDI.
Each smallholder is allocated appropriate land area (2-5 ha) for cultivation and provided with a range of technical services including credit, training, inputs and extension services. This model addresses side selling and helps to optimise production and productivity of the farmer. The range of services are a bouquet provided through a service delivery model.

Service Delivery Model (SDM)

The service delivery model (SDM) is a supply chain structure within the block farming model that provides various technical services including training and agricultural inputs. Its role is to improve farmers’ capacity, and therefore the effective growing and harvesting of sufficient crops to meet processors’ needs. The key actors in the SDM are the processors (off-taker), the service provider (CDI), and the development finance provider. See relationship map in a typical SDM model for cassava, which can be applied to most crops.

We are also implementing the Public-Private-Producer Partnership (4Ps) Model
Which allows the producer groups to have a stake in the operations


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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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Tax Consulting
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Finance RTL